Transactd Developer's Guide
Supported languages
Currently, languages which can be used with application development are followings:
(Planning with Java, Python, etc.)
Multi thread support
The clients for all languages support multi-thread per database.
The database and associated objects such as tables can be used safely in a thread.
In other words, to use objects safely, create database object on each thread.
At this time, pass the option that creating dedicated TCP connection, to connect
It can be used safely from Apache 2 workerMPM or ISAPI extension on IIS.
Ruby client
We provide Ruby Gem for Ruby 1.9 / 2.0.
To install the client for Ruby, please refer to
Transactd Install Guide for Ruby.
Specifications and Limitations
Ruby client is a wrapper of the C++ API, and is the same as the C++ API,
with the following exceptions:
Differences between Ruby client and C++ API (2015/06/09) |
General |
- Class names are capitalized (ex:
database ->Database )
- Constant names are capitalized (ex:
ft_integer ->Ft_integer )
- Namespaces does not nest.
Transactd is the only namespace.
bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::database ->Transactd::Database )
End processing |
- Memory release process is done by GC of Ruby.
You do not need to release memory explicitly.
database::release and nstable::release does not exist.
- The connection will be closed when memory is released,
but we recommend to describe the closing process explicitly.
Database.close and Table.close ., 0, Transactd::TD_OPEN_NORMAL, '', '') # open database
tb = db.openTable('user', Transactd::TD_OPEN_NORMAL, true) # open table
# ... some operations ...
tb.close() # close table
db.close() # close database
Character set |
- Limited to Multibyte, Unicode can not be used even on Windows.
tdclcpp_*m*.dll )
- Use UTF-8 for encoding of the source code file.
- For available character set, please refer to
character set section of
SDK documents.
Changes in Methods |
- Change
keydef::segments[] to Keydef.segment method.
- Change
tabledef::fieldDefs[] to Tabledef.fieldDef method.
- Change
tabledef::keyDefs[] to Tabledef.keyDef method.
- Change
btrVersions::versions[] to BtrVersions::version method.
- Change signatures of
BtrTimeStamp::toString, btrdtoa, btrttoa, btrstoa
nowdate = Transactd::getNowDate()
# A char* argument is removed. Return Strings.
nowdate_str = Transactd::btrdtoa(nowdate, true)
- Add
set_value_by_object method to Record class. It set field values from object to record.
- Add
fetchMode property to Recordset class and Table class.
See Expanded row fetching on PHP and Ruby for details.
- Add
getRecord method to Recordset class. It returns Record object
regardless of the value of fetchMode .
- Add
getRow to Table class. It is alias of fields method.
- Add CRUD operation methods
table::save_by_object , table::update_by_object ,
table::insert_by_object , table::read_by_object and
table::delete_by_object to Table class.
They receive object as a parameter and seek record with primary key value.
- Add
seek_key_value(keyValues) method to Table class. It move to a record with key value.
It is implemented in extension and behaves like following code:
def seek_key_value(keyValues)
i = 0
for value in keyValues
tb.setFV(keyseg(i), value)
i += 1
return tb.stat
- Add aliases for methods and properties according to the following rules:
- Add
snake_case format aliases for camelCase format names.
- Add
is_XXX? format aliases for methods which has is_XXX format name
and boolean return value.
- Add
XXX= format aliases for methods which has set_XXX format name,
one parameter, and void return value.
Unsupported Features |
onCopyData and onDeleteRecord callback functions are
currently not supported.
table::insertBookmarks is currently not supported.
fielddefs::addAllFields is currently not supported.
fielddefs::append is currently not supported.
fielddefs::addSelectedFields is currently not supported.
fielddefs::addAliasName is currently not supported.
fielddef::blobLenBytes is currently not supported.
fielddef::varLenBytes is currently not supported.
nstable::stats is currently not supported.
table::optionalData is currently not supported.
table::setOptionalData is currently not supported.
database::optionalData is currently not supported.
database::setOptionalData is currently not supported.
connection::record::status is currently not supported.
tdap::getFilterLogicTypeCode is currently not supported.
COM client
COM is only available on Windows.
If you install Transactd clients using the Windows Installer,
COM client is also installed and is registered in the registry.
For instructions on how to install, please refer to
Transactd Install Guide.
Specifications and Limitations
COM client is a wrapper of the C++ API, and is the same as the C++ API,
with the following exceptions:
Differences between COM interface and C++ API (2015/06/09) |
General |
- Class names are capitalized (ex:
database ->Database )
- Method names are capitalized (ex:
openTable ->OpenTable )
- Namespaces does not nest.
transactd is the only namespace.
bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::database ->transactd::Database )
Constant (enum) |
- If you use a scripting language, define it in the script.
- If the IDE can use the type library, it is accessible in
eXxx namespace.
(ex: eStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS )
End processing |
- Memory release process is done by COM.
You do not need to release memory explicitly.
database::release and nstable::release does not exist.
- The connection will be closed when memory is released,
but we recommend to describe the closing process explicitly.
Database.Close and Table.Close .
db.Open(uri, TYPE_BDF, OPEN_NORMAL); // open database
var tb = db.OpenTable('user', TD_OPEN_NORMAL); // open table
// ... some operations ...
tb.Close(); // close table
db.Close(); // close database
Character set |
Limited to Unicode, multi-byte can not be used. (Use tdclcpp_*****_**u_*_*.dll )
Changes in Methods |
- To create
Database object, like:
var db = new ActiveXObject('transactd.Database');
- Change
keydef::segments[] to Keydef.Segments method
- Change
tabledef::fieldDefs[] to Tabledef.FieldDef method
- Change
tabledef::keyDefs[] to Tabledef.KeyDef method.
- Change
btrVersions class to TdVersion class.
- To create
QueryBase object, like:
var query = new ActiveXObject('transactd.query');
- Change
QueryBase::addLogic to QueryBase::Where , QueryBase::And , QueryBase::Or .
query.Where("id", ">=", 1).And("id", "<", 3).Or("name", "=", "akio");
- Change
QueryBase::addField to QueryBase::Select . 11 arguments can be specified. If need more arguments, call Select again. example:
query.Select("id", "name", "email");
- Change
QueryBase::addSeekKeyValue to QueryBase::AddInValue .
- Add
QueryBase::In . 11 arguments can be specified. If need more arguments, call In again. example:
query.In(1, 2, 10, 23, 30, 40, 55);
canRecoverNetError is not supported. It can be replaced with following code:
function CanRecoverNetError(var code)
Unsupported Features |
table::insertBookmarks is currently not supported.
- Date and time classes and functions which is defined in btrDate.h and myDateTime.h are currently not supported.
fielddefs::addAllFileds is currently not supported.
fielddefs::append is currently not supported.
fielddefs::addSelectedFields is currently not supported.
fielddefs::addAliasName is currently not supported.
fielddef::blobLenBytes is currently not supported.
fielddef::varLenBytes is currently not supported.
recordset::appendField(fielddef) is currently not supported.
PHP client
We provide extension for PHP 5.x.
To install the client for PHP, please refer to
Transactd Install Guide for PHP.
Specifications and Limitations
PHP client is a wrapper of the C++ API, and is the same as the C++ API,
with the following exceptions:
Differences between PHP client and C++ API (2015/06/09) |
General |
- Classes are not qualified with namespaces.
(ex: bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::database ->database )
- Constants and functions that are not members of any classes are placed in
transactd class.
(ex: bzs::db::protocol::tdap::btrttoa ->transactd::btrttoa )
- Function to return to copy the result in the buffer, the parameter is not required. Because the buffer is provided automatically.At the same time, the parameter is also not required to indicate the length of the buffer.
(ex:const _TCHAR* nstable::getDirURI(const _TCHAR *uri, const _TCHAR* retbuf) → $s = nstable::getDirURI($uri) )
End processing |
- Memory release process is done by GC of PHP.
You do not need to release memory explicitly.
database::release and nstable::release does not exist.
- The connection will be closed when memory is released,
but we recommend to describe the closing process explicitly.
database.close and table.close .
$db->open(uri, 0, transactd::TD_OPEN_NORMAL); // open database
$tb = $db->openTable("user", transactd::TD_OPEN_NORMAL, true); // open table
/* ... some operations ... */
$tb->close(); // close table
$db->close(); // close database
Character set |
- Limited to Multibyte, Unicode can not be used even on Windows.
- Use UTF-8 for multibyte strings.
- For available character set, please refer to
character set section of
SDK documents.
Changes in Methods |
- Change
keydef::segments[] to keydef.segment method
- Change
tabledef::fieldDefs[] to tabledef.fieldDef method
- Change
tabledef::keyDefs[] to tabledef.keyDef method.
- Change
btrVersions::versions[] to btrVersions::version method.
- Change signatures of
btrTimeStamp::toString, btrdtoa, btrttoa, btrstoa
$nowdate = transactd::getNowDate();
// A char* argument is removed. Return Strings.
$nowdate_str = transactd::btrdtoa($nowdate, true);
- Add ArrayAccess, Countable, IteratorAggregate, Generator method to
fielddefs .
- Add ArrayAccess, Countable, IteratorAggregate, Generator method to
Record .
- Add
setValueByObject method to Record class. It set field values from object to record.
- Add ArrayAccess, Countable, IteratorAggregate, Generator method to
Recordset .
- Add
fetchMode property to Recordset class and Table class.
See Expanded row fetching on PHP and Ruby for details.
- Add
getRecord method to Recordset class. It returns Record object
regardless of the value of fetchMode .
- Add
getRow to Table class. It is alias of fields method.
- Add CRUD operation methods
table::saveByObject , table::updateByObject ,
table::insertByObject , table::readByObject and
table::deleteByObject to Table class.
They receive object as a parameter and seek record with primary key value.
- Add
seekKeyValue(keyValues) method to Table class. It move to a record with key value.
It is implemented in extension and behaves like following code:
function seekKeyValue($keyValues)
$i = 0;
foreach($keyValues as $value)
$tb->setFV(keyseg($i++), $value);
return $tb->stat();
Unsupported Features |
onCopyData and onDeleteRecord callback functions are
currently not supported.
table::insertBookmarks is currently not supported.
fielddefs::addAllFileds is currently not supported.
fielddefs::append is currently not supported.
fielddefs::addSelectedFields is currently not supported.
fielddefs::addAliasName is currently not supported.
fielddef::blobLenBytes is currently not supported.
fielddef::varLenBytes is currently not supported.
nstable::stats is currently not supported.
table::optionalData is currently not supported.
table::setOptionalData is currently not supported.
database::optionalData is currently not supported.
database::setOptionalData is currently not supported.
connection::record::status is currently not supported.
tdap::getFilterLogicTypeCode is currently not supported.
Expanded row fetching on PHP and Ruby
and table::fields
method return a row as a record
on all kind of client libraries.
On PHP and Ruby clients, row fetching is extended. You can get a row as an Array, Hash, standard object and user class.
Set format
Use fetchMode
property to set format.
value of fetchMode | format |
FETCH_VAL_NUM = 1 | Array (field_number => value) |
FETCH_VAL_ASSOC = 2 | Hash (field_name => value) |
FETCH_VAL_BOTH = 3 | Hash which has field_number as keys |
FETCH_OBJ = 4 | Standard object |
FETCH_USR_CLASS = 8 | User defined class object |
FETCH_RECORD_INTO = 16 | record object of Transactd |
Access to value with field number on Array. With field name on Hash.
On standard object and user class object, they have public properties which have the name same as field name.
The default value of fetchMode
Example with PHP
$tb->fetchMode = transactd::FETCH_OBJ;
$obj = tb->fields(); // <--- row fetching
$id = $obj->id;
Example with Ruby
tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_OBJ
obj = tb.fields() # <--- row fetching
id =
Set user defined class
Set user defined class to fetchClass
, and parameters for constructor to ctorArgs
The parameters for constructor are optional.
Example with PHP
$tb->fetchMode = transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS;
$tb->fetchClass = 'User';
$tb->ctorArgs = $userName;
$user = tb->fields(); // <--- row fetching
$id = $user->id;
Example with Ruby
tb.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS
tb.fetchClass = User
tb.ctorArgs = userName
user = tb.fields() # <--- row fetching
id =
Fetchi all records with recordset
(or to_a
on Ruby) method returns an Array of all rows
objects as format which specified with fetchMode
Example with PHP
$rs->fetchMode = transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS;
$rs->fetchClass = 'User';
$rs->ctorArgs = $userName;
$users = $rs->toArray();
$user = $users[0];
Example with Ruby
rs.fetchMode = Transactd::FETCH_USR_CLASS
rs.fetchClass = User
rs.ctorArgs = userName
users = rs.to_a()
user = users[0]