Use models

Let's use the models completed in the previous chapter.

In this chapter, you can learn about the following contents:

Invoice operations


Make two sales and a payment.

    $cust = Customer::find(1);

    $inv = new Invoice;
    $inv->addSalesLine('APPLE1', 12);
    $inv->addSalesLine('ORANGE1', 2);
    $inv->addPaymentLine(4579, 'Cash');
    // Show the balance
    echo 'The balance of ' . $cust->name .' is \\' . $inv->amount->balance. ' .' . PHP_EOL;
} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo 'An error occurred. Detail is : [' . $e->message() . '].' . PHP_EOL;
The balance of Yamaha is \0 .


Invoice record contains values such as the total amount of items. Invoice and InvoiceItem are consistent by reading the set written in the transaction.

To read the set written in the transaction, read it with snapshot as follows:

    DB::beginSnapshot();     // Start CONSISTENT_READ
    $inv = Invoice::find(1); // Read Invoice
    if ($inv === null) {
        throw new Exception('Invoice number 1 has not been created or is deleted.');
    $items = $inv->items;    // Read InvoiceItem
    echo 'The number of items in Invoice ' . $inv->id . ' is ' . $items->count() . '.' . PHP_EOL;
} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo 'An error occurred. Detail is : [' . $e->message() . '].' . PHP_EOL;

I will explain in what situations inconsistency will occur. Please see the following figure:

Example of inconsistency

Reading the invoice with items is result in two reads, access to Invoice record and access to InvoiceItem records. At the time as shown in the figure, if another user updates the invoice, there is a possibility that Invoice and InvoiceItem may read before and after change.

If you use snapshots, you can read Invoice and InvoiceItem as consistent snapshot by InnovDB's MVCC feature.

For more information on snapshots, see InnoDB lock and its control.

Note: The problem of inconsistency in reading is not unique to Transactd PHP ORM. Even with SQL, if Invoice and InvoiceItem are read by individual SQL statements, the same problem may occur. There is no beginSnapshot in SQL, so use BEGIN or START TRANSACTION.


Delete the second line of the invoice and save it.

    $inv = Invoice::find(1);
    if ($inv === null) {
        throw new Exception('Invoice number 1 has not been created or is deleted.');
    $inv->items->remove(1); // Delete the second line
    echo 'The balance of ' . $cust->name .' is \\' . $inv->amount->balance. ' .' . PHP_EOL;
} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo 'An error occurred. Detail is : [' . $e->message() . '].' . PHP_EOL;
The balance of Yamaha is \-691 .


Delete invoice number 1.

    $inv = Invoice::find(1);
    if ($inv === null) {
        throw new Exception('Invoice number 1 has not been created or is deleted.');
    $echo 'Invoice number 1 has deleted.' . PHP_EOL;
} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo 'An error occurred. Detail is : [' . $e->message() . '].' . PHP_EOL;
Invoice number 1 has deleted.

Show the balance

In this example, look for the last invoice of customer_id = 3 in date order.

Look for the last invoice by specifying one higher customer_id for keyValue and backforward-searching for direction.

    $customer_id = 3;
    $invs = Invoice::index(1)->keyValue($customer_id + 1)
        ->where('customer_id', $customer_id)
    $inv = count($invs) ? $invs[0] : null;
    if ($inv === null) {
        throw new Exception('There is no transaction for customer number 1.');
    echo 'The balance of ' . $cust->name .' is \\' . $inv->amount->balance. ' .' . PHP_EOL;
} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo 'An error occurred. Detail is : [' . $e->message() . '].' . PHP_EOL;
The balance of Yamaha is \0 .

Aggregate transactions for a month

Calculate monthly sales of customer_id = 3.

    $customer = Customer::find(3);
    $invs = $customer->transactions('2016-12-01', '2016-12-31');
    $total = 0;
    if (count($invs) > 0) {
        foreach($invs as $inv) {
            $total += $inv->amount->sales;
    echo 'The monthly sales of ' . $cust->name .' is \\' . $total . ' .' . PHP_EOL;
} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo 'An error occurred. Detail is : [' . $e->message() . '].' . PHP_EOL;
The monthly sales of Yamaha is \4240 .

Get daily sales and payments

Get daily sales and payments on 2016-12-02.

Since there is DailySummary, it can be got with one record access.

$date = '2016-12-02';
$summary = DailySummary::find($date);
if ($summary === null) {
    echo 'There is no transaction on ' . $date . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo $date . '  sales : \\' . $summary->sales . '  payment : \\' . $summary->payment . PHP_EOL;
2016-12-02  sales : \4240  payment : \4579

Get invoices on the day

Get all invoices on 2016-12-02. Use the relationship of DailySummary.

$date = '2016-12-02';
$summary = DailySummary::find($date);
if ($summary !== null) {
    $invoices = $summary->invoices;
foreach($invoices as $invoice) {
    // (omitted)

Get the total sales for the specified period

Get the total sales of 2016-12.

You can calculate the monthly sales by reading up to 31 DailySummary records.

$startDate = '2016-12-01';
$endDate = '2016-12-31';
$summaries = DailySummary::keyValue($startDate)->where('date', '<=', $endDate)->get();
$total = 0;
foreach($summaries as $summary) {
    $total += $summary->sales;
echo 'The total sales from ' . $startDate . ' to ' . $endDate . ' is \\' . $total . ' .' . PHP_EOL;
The total sales from 2016-12-02 to 2016-12-31 is \4240 .

Retrieve product price

Show the price of APPLE1.

$code = 'APPLE1';
$product = Product::find('APPLE1');
echo 'The price of ' $code . ' is \\' . $product->price . ' .' . PHP_EOL;
The price of APPLE1 is \300 .

Look up stock quantity

Show the stock quantity of APPLE1.

$code = 'APPLE1';
$stock = Stock::find('APPLE1');
if ($stock === null) {
    echo 'There is no stock of ' $code . ' .' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'The stock quantity of ' $code . ' is ' . $stock->quantity . ' .' . PHP_EOL;
The stock quantity of APPLE1 is 108 .

Stock list

Show the stock list.

$stocks = Stock::all();
foreach($stocks as $stock) {
    echo sprintf('%-15s : %8d', $stock->code, $stock->quantity) . PHP_EOL;
APPLE1          :      108
APPLE2          :      240
BIKE650         :        5
CAR123          :        1
ORANGE1         :       52
WATCH777        :       10

Product stock list

Show the product stock list. Process with high speed using with method.

function showProductList($products)
    echo sprintf('%-15s %-15s %8s %8s', 'product_code', 'description',
                    'price', 'quantity') . PHP_EOL;
    echo '---------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach($products as $product) {
        echo sprintf('%-15s %-15s %8d %8d',
                    ($product->stock === null) ? 0 : $product->stock->quantity)
                    . PHP_EOL;

$products = Product::with('stock')->all();
product_code    description        price quantity
CAR123          CAR 123          5000000        1
BIKE650         BIKE 650          320000        5
WATCH777        WATCH 777         198000       10
APPLE1          APPLE FUJI           300      108
APPLE2          APPLE SHINANO        280      240
ORANGE1         ORANGE UNSYUU        320       52


Convert the invoice number 2 to JSON.

$inv = Invoice:find(2);
$inv->items; // Lazy load items
$json = $inv->toJson();
echo $json;

Formatted JSON

  "id": 2,
  "date": "2016-12-18",
  "update_at": "2016-12-19 16:35:24.627492",
  "amount": {
    "oldBlance": null,
    "sales": 198000,
    "tax": 15840,
    "payment": 10000,
    "balance": 203840,
    "className": "InvoiceAmount"
  "className": "Invoice",
  "customer_id": 3,
  "note": "",
  "items": {
    "saveOprions": 6,
    "className": "Transactd\\Collection",
    "array": {
      "0": {
        "className": "InvoiceItem",
        "invoice_id": 2,
        "row": 1,
        "line_type": 0,
        "product_code": "WATCH777",
        "product_description": "WATCH 777",
        "price": 198000,
        "quantity": 1,
        "amount": 198000,
        "tax": 15840,
        "note": "",
        "update_at": "2016-12-19 16:35:24.630626"
      "1": {
        "className": "InvoiceItem",
        "invoice_id": 2,
        "row": 2,
        "line_type": 1,
        "product_code": "PAYMENT",
        "product_description": "Cash",
        "price": 0,
        "quantity": 0,
        "amount": 10000,
        "tax": 0,
        "note": "",
        "update_at": "2016-12-19 16:35:24.630626"


Convert above JSON string to object, and save it.

$inv = Invoice::fromJson($json);
  1. Save daily summary
  2. Source code