Transactd clients Open Source Software exceptions

Original text of this document is Japanese. This English translation is just for your reference.

To be completely sure of what does this document mean, refer to the original document (in Japanese).


Transactd clients are available under GPLv2. If you distribute programs which are linked with Transactd clients, you have to distribute it under the GPLv2 according to the GPLv2 demands.

This is not a problem for most of Open Source Software. However, there are some of the open source license which is not compatible with GPLv2.

We hope that more users use Transactd clients. For that purpose, we made an exception that allows OSS to use Transactd clients even if its license is incompatible with GPLv2.

There is a possibility of addition of new licenses to "Applicable Open Source License list" which is list of exception licenses.

Transactd clients Open Source Software exceptions

1. Scope of application

"Transactd clients Open Source Software exceptions" ("the exceptions" or "OSS exceptions") is only applicable to Transactd clients which are distributed under the General Public License version 2. It is not applicable to Transactd clients which are distributed under the other license.

If you create a modified version of Transactd clients under GPLv2, you can choose whether or not to enable this exception on the modified version.

2. Conditions and Restrictions

We permit the followings about the software ("OSSEX Software") which meets all the matters listed in "3 Conditions" and "4 Restrictions" with taking priority over the GPLv2:

3. Conditions

The OSSEX Software is required to meet all of the following conditions:

4. Restrictions

The OSSEX Software is required to comply with all of the following restrictions:

5. Applicable Open Source License list