Install Transactd C++ client

This document consists of the installation of Transactd C++ client.

Download C++ client binaries

You can download the pre-built C++ client binary such as Linux gcc, Visual Studio 2010 - 2015. For the another compiler you can build from the source code.

How to build from source code, Please refer to the Transactd build guide for Windows or Transactd build guide for Unix.

Install C++ client

Installing on Windows

  1. Open transactd-client-[compiler]-[platform]-[version].zip from explorer.
  2. Select the root folder transactd-client-[compiler]-[platform]-[version] and copy to a folder of your choice.
  3. Run the "install.cmd" in the transactd-client-[compiler]-[platform]-[version] folder. This command adds "transactd-client-[compiler]-[platform]-[version]\bin" folder to the system environment variables "PATH".

Installing on Linux

  1. Move to the directory where downloaded tar.gz file is.

    cd [TargetFolder]
  2. Extract the tar.gz file and move into it.

    tar zxf transactd-client-cpp-linux-x86_64-[version].tar.gz
    cd transactd-client-cpp-linux-x86_64-[version]
  3. Run the install script.


Installation of Transactd client is finished now.


Now you are ready to access the server. If the server Plugin has been installed, you can run the test.