全て クラス 名前空間 関数 変数 型定義 列挙型 列挙値 ページ


#include <stdio.h>
#include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/client/database.h>
#include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/client/table.h>
#include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/client/dbDef.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client;
using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap;
@brief Insert records example
This program inserts some records to "user" and "group1" table.
user table
id | name |group| tel
1 | "akio" | 1 | "81-3-2222-3569"
2 | "yoko" | 2 | "81-263-80-5555"
3 | "satoshi" | 1 | "81-3-1111-1234"
4 | "keiko" | 2 | "81-26-222-3569"
5 | "john" | 3 | "81-26-222-3565"
gropu1 table
id | name |
1 | "develop" |
2 | "sales" |
3 | "finance" |
picture table
type | id | picture
1 | 1 | dummy picture (this program bianry image)
Please execute the "create database" and "change schema" example
before execute this example.
static const short fieldnum_id = 0;
static const short fieldnum_name = 1;
static const short fieldnum_group = 2;
static const short fieldnum_tel = 3;
static const short fieldnum_pic_type = 0;
static const short fieldnum_pic_id = 1;
static const short fieldnum_pic_pic = 2;
/** show database operation error
void showError(const _TCHAR* caption, const _TCHAR* tableName, short statusCode)
_TCHAR tmp[1024] = { 0x00 };
nstable::tdapErr(0x00, statusCode, tableName, tmp);
_tprintf(_T("[ERROR] %s No.%ld %s\n"), caption, statusCode, tmp);
bool insertUser(table* tb, int id, const _TCHAR* name, int groupid,
const _TCHAR* tel)
tb->setFV(fieldnum_id, id);
tb->setFV(fieldnum_name, name);
tb->setFV(fieldnum_group, groupid);
if (tb->tableDef()->fieldCount == 4)
tb->setFV(fieldnum_tel, tel);
if (tb->stat() != 0)
showError(_T("insert user record"), tb->tableDef()->tableName(),
return (tb->stat() == 0);
bool insertUsers(table* tb)
bool ret = insertUser(tb, 1, _T("akio"), 1, _T("81-3-2222-3569"));
if (ret == false)
return false;
ret = insertUser(tb, 2, _T("yoko"), 2, _T("81-263-80-5555"));
if (ret == false)
return false;
ret = insertUser(tb, 3, _T("satoshi"), 1, _T("81-3-1111-1234"));
if (ret == false)
return false;
ret = insertUser(tb, 4, _T("keiko"), 2, _T("81-26-222-3569"));
if (ret == false)
return false;
ret = insertUser(tb, 5, _T("john"), 3, _T("81-26-222-3565"));
if (ret == false)
return false;
return true;
bool insertGroup(table* tb, int id, const _TCHAR* name)
tb->setFV(fieldnum_id, id);
tb->setFV(fieldnum_name, name);
if (tb->stat() != 0)
showError(_T("insert group1 record"), tb->tableDef()->tableName(),
return (tb->stat() == 0);
bool insertGroups(table* tb)
bool ret = insertGroup(tb, 1, _T("develop"));
if (ret == false)
return false;
ret = insertGroup(tb, 2, _T("sales"));
if (ret == false)
return false;
ret = insertGroup(tb, 3, _T("finance"));
if (ret == false)
return false;
return true;
bool insertPicure(table* tb, short type, int id, const void* img, size_t size)
tb->setFV(fieldnum_pic_type, type);
tb->setFV(fieldnum_pic_id, id);
tb->setFV(fieldnum_pic_pic, img, (uint_td)size);
if (tb->stat() != 0)
showError(_T("insert picture record"), tb->tableDef()->tableName(),
return (tb->stat() == 0);
void readImage(const _TCHAR* path, std::vector<char>& s)
std::ifstream ifs(path, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
s.resize((unsigned int)ifs.tellg());
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
ifs.read(&s[0], s.size());
/** Open database
bool openDatabase(database* db, const _TCHAR* uri)
!!! Important !!!
When using a multi-threaded,
please request a new connection for each database.
// When using a multi-threaded, set to true.
bool newConnection = false;
if (!db->connect(uri, newConnection))
showError(_T("connect daatabase"), NULL, db->stat());
return false;
db->open(uri, TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF);
if (db->stat() != 0)
showError(_T("open daatabase"), NULL, db->stat());
return false;
return true;
#pragma argsused
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int result = 0;
static const _TCHAR* uri = _T("tdap://localhost/test?dbfile=test.bdf");
if (openDatabase(db, uri))
table* tbg = db->openTable(_T("group1"));
if (db->stat() != 0)
showError(_T("open group1 table"), NULL, db->stat());
if (insertGroups(tbg))
table* tbu = db->openTable(_T("user"));
if (db->stat() != 0)
showError(_T("open user table"), NULL, db->stat());
if (insertUsers(tbu))
table* tbp = db->openTable(_T("picture"));
if (db->stat() != 0)
showError(_T("open user table"), NULL, db->stat());
std::vector<char> s;
readImage(argv[0], s);
if (insertPicure(tbp, 1, 1, &s[0], s.size()))
_tprintf(_T("Insert records success. \n"));
result = 0;
return result;


#include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/client/trdboostapi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client;
using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap;
@brief Insert records example
This program inserts some records to "user" and "group1" table.
user table
id | name |group| tel
1 | "akio" | 1 | "81-3-2222-3569"
2 | "yoko" | 2 | "81-263-80-5555"
3 | "satoshi" | 1 | "81-3-1111-1234"
4 | "keiko" | 2 | "81-26-222-3569"
5 | "john" | 3 | "81-26-222-3565"
gropu1 table
id | name |
1 | "develop" |
2 | "sales" |
3 | "finance" |
picture table
type | id | picture
1 | 1 | dummy picture (this program bianry image)
Please execute the "create database" and "change schema" example
before execute this example.
static const short fieldnum_id = 0;
static const short fieldnum_name = 1;
static const short fieldnum_group = 2;
static const short fieldnum_tel = 3;
static const short fieldnum_pic_type = 0;
static const short fieldnum_pic_id = 1;
static const short fieldnum_pic_pic = 2;
void insertUser(fields& fds, int id, const _TCHAR* name, int groupid,
const _TCHAR* tel)
fds[fieldnum_id] = id;
fds[fieldnum_name] = name;
fds[fieldnum_group] = groupid;
if ((int)fds.size() > fieldnum_tel)
fds[fieldnum_tel] = tel;
void insertUsers(table_ptr tb)
fields fds(tb);
insertUser(fds, 1, _T("akio"), 1, _T("81-3-2222-3569"));
insertUser(fds, 2, _T("yoko"), 2, _T("81-263-80-5555"));
insertUser(fds, 3, _T("satoshi"), 1, _T("81-3-1111-1234"));
insertUser(fds, 4, _T("keiko"), 2, _T("81-26-222-3569"));
insertUser(fds, 5, _T("john"), 3, _T("81-26-222-3565"));
void insertGroup(fields& fds, int id, const _TCHAR* name)
fds[fieldnum_id] = id;
fds[fieldnum_name] = name;
void insertGroups(table_ptr tb)
fields fds(tb);
insertGroup(fds, 1, _T("develop"));
insertGroup(fds, 2, _T("sales"));
insertGroup(fds, 3, _T("finance"));
void insertPicure(table_ptr tb, short type, int id, const void* img,
size_t size)
fields fds(tb);
fds[fieldnum_pic_type] = type;
fds[fieldnum_pic_id] = id;
fds[fieldnum_pic_pic].setBin(img, (int)size);
void readImage(const _TCHAR* path, std::vector<char>& s)
std::ifstream ifs(path, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
ifs.read(&s[0], s.size());
#pragma argsused
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
connectParams param(_T("tdap"), _T("localhost"), _T("test"),
!!! Important !!!
When using a multi-threaded,
please request a new connection for each database.
// When using a multi-threaded, set to true.
bool newConnection = false;
connectOpen(db, param, newConnection);
table_ptr tb = openTable(db, _T("group1"));
tb = openTable(db, _T("user"));
tb = openTable(db, _T("picture"));
std::vector<char> s;
readImage(argv[0], s);
insertPicure(tb, 1, 1, &s[0], s.size());
std::cout << "Insert records success." << std::endl;
return 0;
catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e)
std::tcout << _T("[ERROR] ") << *bzs::rtl::getMsg(e) << std::endl;
return 1;

Transactd SDK 2018年07月31日(火) 19時40分25秒 doxygen